Rémi Mounier

Institute NeuroMyoGène

The team of Rémi Mounier (Research Director at CNRS) in Institute NeuroMyoGène (Lyon, France) investigates the role of metabolism in the regulation of MuSC fate, with a specific focus on the role of the energy sensor AMPK, and the metabolic characteristics of MuSCs during skeletal muscle plasticity and homeostasis. They identified the AnxA1/FPR2/AMPK (JCI 2020) and Glucocorticoid/AMPK/FOXO3 (EMBO Rep 2022) axes as novel pathways regulating skeletal muscle regeneration. Furthermore, they showed that AMPK controls self-renewal/differentiation of MuSCs (EMBO J 2017) and they demonstrated a MuSC-intrinsic role for AMPK in the regulation of MuSC-to-myofiber fusion (Kneppers, BioRxiv 2022). Rémi Mounier has been invited in 21 international meetings, has organized the European AMPK Workshop (2017) and the 11th International AMPK meeting (2021) and will be the organizer of the next EMBO Workshop “Skeletal Muscle Development, Metabolism, and Repair during Homeostasis and Disease” in 2024. He is laureate of the Bronze Medal of CNRS of Physiology (2018) (79 publications, H-index of 37 including EMBO Rep 2022, JCI 2020, EMBO J 2017, J Immunol 2016, Immunity 2016, J Immunol 2015, Cell Metab 2013).